Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of subscription


Arlettie Paris,  [simplified joint stock company] with a share capital of €663,337.53, with its registered office at 17 avenue Raymond Poincare – 75116 Paris, and registered with the register of trades and companies of Paris under number 478 130 388 (hereinafter referred to as “Arlettie”), has put in place a programme enabling access to unique events of prestigious brands within dedicated spaces, accompanied by advantages and services as described in these terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions have the purpose of defining the conditions of access to and use of the services offered to subscribers, and the rights and obligations of the subscribers when using the services.


The terms below used in these terms and conditions, used in the singular and the plural, shall have the following meanings:

Club Arlettie: denotes all services offered exclusively to members or VIP Members according to their subscription level.

Personal account: denotes the account of the subscriber after registration for the services.

Arlettie spaces: denotes the places where the scheduled events take place throughout the duration of the events;

Event: denotes all events of any nature organised by Arlettie (notably, but not exclusively, sales, launches, etc.) Within the framework of the services.

Subscriber: denotes any private individual using the services and accepting these terms and conditions.

Brand: denotes the partner of Arlettie whose products and/or services offered are the subject of events.

Member: denotes any private individual member of club Arlettie whose membership is subject to the Member special conditions.

VIP Club: denotes any private individual member of the Arlettie VIP Club whose membership is subject to the VIP Club special conditions.

Services: denotes all services offered to subscribers and described in article 5. Members and VIP Members benefit from exclusive services, the conditions of which are described in the applicable special conditions.

Website: website accessible at the address https://www.arlettie.com


Registration for the services entails unreserved, full, and entire acceptance of the contractual documents, which the subscriber declares to have read and understood in their entirety, and which are as follows, listed in increasing order of priority and forming an inseparable whole:

  • These terms and conditions, including the privacy policy available here.
  • The special conditions applicable to members and the VIP club. If the subscriber is a member of one of these offerings.
  • The e-shop terms and conditions available here.
  • Any document displayed in each Arlettie space, notably including the health and safety rules, and rules for respect for the premises to which the subscribers will be bound, together with any terms specific to the event in question.

In case of contradiction between documents of a different nature or different rank, the provisions contained in the higher-ranking document will prevail for the obligations with conflicting interpretation. In case of contradiction between the terms of documents of the same order, the latest documents in date shall prevail over the others.

Arlettie reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time, subject to informing subscribers thereof by any means and within a reasonable period of time, on the understanding that these amendments shall not give entitlement to any compensation or refund, which the subscriber expressly accepts. The subscriber is therefore asked to regularly view the terms and conditions on the website in order to learn of any amendments.


Registration is for private individuals over the age of 15 only. Minors are asked to inform their parent or guardian of their subscription and their participation in events.

Only one account may be opened per person. Arlettie reserves the right to refuse opening of an account requested by any person having already registered.

The services may not under any circumstances be granted to a professional and/or any person marketing or likely to market the products bought at events organised by Arlettie, or more generally benefiting from the advantages offered for purposes other than personal and private.

Registration for the services takes place by completing a registration form, either online directly on the website www.arlettie.com or in-store in one of the Arlettie spaces.

Any person wishing to register must first accept the latest version of these terms and conditions.

Information marked with one or more asterisks and requested on the registration form is mandatory and essential for acceptance of the registration form.

The subscriber guarantees the accuracy of the information provided and will be solely responsible for all information communicated. Any change of name, address or other information that may be necessary must be amended by the subscriber in his personal space on the website  www.arlettie.com or in person in our Arlettie spaces.

The subscriber authorises all verifications concerning his identity and address by Arlettie, without Arlettie however being obligated to conduct a systematic verification of all or some of the information received.

The subscriber recognises that Arlettie reserves the right to suspend or withdraw access to the services when the subscriber does not respect these terms of registration, and particularly if he provides false or misleading, inaccurate, incomplete, illegible, or out-of-date information. The subscriber also recognises that Arlettie reserves the right to refuse the registration of any person previously registered and/or whose registration was terminated by Arlettie owing to a breach of these terms and conditions, such as notably under the conditions set out in article 9.2.


Registration enables the subscriber to benefit from the following services:

  • For all subscribers: access to the events offered by Arlettie under the conditions fixed by Arlettie and as communicated to the subscribers.
  • For members and VIP members: services described in the applicable special conditions available here.

For the purpose of accessing the services, the subscriber may be asked to download or print documents and to present a valid identity document. Only the minor children and spouse of the subscriber may benefit from the conditions of access, in his presence and on presentation of supporting documents.

These services are offered within the limits of the capacity of the Arlettie spaces and, where applicable, the conditions imposed by the brands, partners of Arlettie, notably owing to their own personalised advantage services linked to their products and/or services (time slots dedicated to their staff and/or persons designated by the brand organising the event).


The website, trademarks, logos, and any other distinctive sign of Arlettie and/or its partners, and notably the brands, and the content of the website (i.e., any text, video, photograph, or any other information in any format and of any nature shown on the website), are the exclusive property of Arlettie and/or its partners, and notably the brands, and/or of third parties, and may be protected by copyright, trademark rights, design rights, patent rights, or any other intellectual property right. These terms and conditions do not entail any transfer of ownership of any nature to the subscriber.

It is consequently prohibited to copy, modify, reproduce, distribute, publish, integrate onto any media, adapt, transfer or assign, license, sublicense, give in guarantee, or transmit in any other way the elements of the website, or undertake reverse engineering or use any other method to try and access the source codes and/or protocols of the website, without the express permission of Arlettie or the holder of the rights.

Arlettie grants the subscriber only a right of access to the services and the personal account on a non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable basis, and for strictly private use in compliance with the provisions of these terms and conditions.

Consequently, the subscriber is prohibited from any act or action that could directly or indirectly infringe the property rights of Arlettie or its partners. This ban notably includes, but is not limited to, taking photographs and videos within the Arlettie spaces, which are formally prohibited.


Arlettie offers subscribers the opportunity to access private and unique events of prestigious brands within dedicated spaces under the conditions described in these terms and conditions. Arlettie cannot be held liable for products and/or services offered by the brands, the terms of their use or their purpose, provided to subscribers at the time of the said events, which are fixed by the brand concerned and described on the website and/or upon entry to the Arlettie spaces.

The subscriber undertakes to notify Arlettie of any change to the data provided and recognises that otherwise he shall remain solely liable for the consequences of any nature that may result therefrom.

The subscriber is solely responsible for his choice to benefit from the services and their suitability for his needs, such that Arlettie cannot be held liable in this respect. Subject to the applicable legal provisions, no guarantee is granted by Arlettie to subscribers. Similarly, the products bought at an event cannot be the subject of any return of any nature (exchange, refund, credit note, etc.), unless stipulated otherwise in the applicable special conditions if the subscriber is a member or VIP member of club Arlettie.

The subscriber undertakes to only benefit from the services and information to which he has access under the conditions defined by Arlettie and for a purpose compliant with the scope of these conditions, public policy, common decency, and third-party rights.

Furthermore, Arlettie informs the subscriber that it reserves the right, at any time and for any reason, to implement any means making it possible to refuse, cancel, suspend or terminate the registration or the access to events organised by Arlettie, or to cancel the benefit of the services and advantages he may have obtained, without notice, and notably for any conduct established or presumed to be in breach of all or part of these terms and conditions, any special conditions, and more generally any contractual document, without prejudice to any damages Arlettie reserves the right to claim of the subscriber in compensation for the loss suffered.

In the same way, in the event where the subscriber is authorised by Arlettie to be accompanied by one or more persons of his choice, these persons are under the exclusive responsibility of the subscriber. The subscriber then undertakes that the said persons will respect the conditions set out in these conditions and in all conditions of access to the event in question and its benefits, with Arlettie reserving the right to claim any damages in compensation for the loss suffered, and notably of the subscriber, owing to one of his guests.

Considering the it and telecommunications technical constraints inherent to the use of the website, Arlettie cannot be held liable in case of damage caused by a malfunction of one or more stages of access to the website and/or the service offered, due notably, but not exclusively, to the drawbacks inherent to the use of the internet network, such as service outage, external intrusion, presence of computer virus, or malfunction of any nature. The subscriber is asked to notify Arlettie without delay of any difficulty he may come up against when using the website.

If Arlettie has legitimate reason to think that the security of the website is compromised, or that misuse of the services offered is due to unauthorised use of the subscriber’s identification data, Arlettie may temporarily deactivate his personal account to protect the integrity of the website, as well as the data of his personal account. The subscriber undertakes to collaborate with Arlettie, and notably to amend his identification data directly on the website, by changing his login, email address and/or password.

Arlettie cannot be held liable, civilly, or criminally, for facts due to an event of force majeure, exceptional circumstances, or the fault of a third party or the victim of the damage. The subscriber recognises that breakdowns and equipment problems concerning the computer hardware, programmes and software of the network notably constitute exceptional circumstances, including but not limited to service interruption, suspension, or closure.

Computerised registers kept in the Arlettie systems will be kept under reasonable conditions of security and considered as evidence of the communications made between the parties. The contractual documents are archived on a reliable and durable support. Consequently, to facilitate their exchanges, the subscriber accepts that the Arlettie computer systems and files shall act as evidence between them, save where it provides evidence to the contrary of at least identical value.

Consequently, the computer files and registers stored within the it systems used by Arlettie, or on its behalf, under reasonable conditions of security and reliability may be validly used and produced as evidence of execution of these terms and conditions, and more generally of any event, communication or relationship between the parties at the time the subscriber uses the website and the service.


By registering, the subscriber consents to the use of his personal data by Arlettie under the conditions described within the Arlettie privacy policy accessible here. The privacy policy forms an integral part of these terms and conditions.

It is stated that the information collected shall be subject to automatic processing throughout the duration of the registration. This information is collected by Arlettie for the purposes of managing its subscribers, the commercial relationship with the subscriber, and the organisation and monitoring of events. It may be transferred outside of the European union. Every person benefits from a right of access, rectification or erasure, restriction of processing of personal data, a right of opposition, and the right to define instructions relative to the fate of the data in case of death. Subscribers can also withdraw their consent to this processing at any time, and file a complaint with a control authority. Subscribers may exercise their rights at Arlettie Paris – service client – 17, avenue Raymond Poincaré – 75116 Paris, or at the following email address: donneespersonnelles@arlettie.fr. It is specified that if subscribers exercise their rights listed above, Arlettie may however keep some personal information of the subscribers and their request in order to ensure the effective exercise of the rights.



These terms and conditions are subscribed for an undefined duration from their first acceptance by the subscriber under the conditions described in article 3.


Arlettie may immediately suspend access to the website and the services in case of failure by the subscriber to respect these terms and conditions. In this situation, Arlettie shall notify this suspension to the subscriber by email.

At the end of a period of eight (8) days of this notification having remained without effect, Arlettie may automatically terminate contractual relations with the subscriber, without formality, and subject to any damages it may claim in compensation for the loss resulting for it from this situation.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Arlettie reserves the right to refuse, suspend or terminate the registration of a subscriber, without compensation of any nature and without notice, in case of serious breach of the conditions required in these terms and conditions and/or any document displayed in each Arlettie space, and, where applicable, the terms specific to the event in question, including notably the health and safety rules, and rules for respect for the premises to which the subscribers will be bound, and more generally any contractual document, such as notably but not exclusively in case of:

  • Direct or indirect resale of one or more products bought at an event or legitimate suspicion of resale of products (notably but not exclusively: multiple purchases of identical or similar items, taking photographs, distribution on specialised websites, etc.);
  • Inappropriate or fraudulent behaviour, wearing unsuitable clothing, rudeness, provocation or uncalled-for, vulgar or disrespectful comments against Arlettie and/or its partners, including notably the brands, manifestly contrary to their image, incompatible with the spirit of the place, and/or contrary to public order and/or that could endanger people or premises where meetings or events take place and the Arlettie spaces;
  • Damage to equipment or failure to respect products;
  • Any unjustified incident caused at the time of the events organised by Arlettie (such as lack of discipline in the queues);
  • Failure to respect instructions given.

Lastly, and generally, Arlettie reserves the right to terminate the registration of any subscriber by electronic notification with respect for notice of one (1) month. 

Termination shall entail a ban on accessing the Arlettie events and/or cancellation of the benefit of the services and advantages the subscriber may have obtained, without compensation of any nature.


The subscriber may terminate these terms and conditions at any time by following the procedure provided for this purpose on the website, by logging in to his personal space or by sending a request within the Arlettie space.

Within a maximum period of ten (10) days after this request, contractual relations with the subscriber shall be terminated and the subscriber will no longer have access to his personal space or the services, and all or some of the data concerning the subscriber may be deleted from the Arlettie databases, with the exception of those for which the law imposes storage on Arlettie or under the conditions fixed in the privacy policy.

Termination shall entail the ban on accessing Arlettie events and cancellation of the benefit of the services the subscriber may have obtained, without compensation of any nature.

In case of death of the subscriber, and on production of the relevant supporting documents, the personal account will be deactivated. Its content may only be passed on to the beneficiaries on a court decision and under the conditions described within the privacy policy.

Article 10 – FORCE MAJEURE

In case of event of force majeure, execution of the obligation’s incumbent upon the party victim of this event will be suspended for its duration, from the date of receipt of the notification by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Event of force majeure shall mean the cases defined by case law of the French courts.

The party invoking the event of force majeure must inform the other party promptly thereof.

If an event of force majeure, having been notified, continues for a period of over thirty (30) days, either of the parties may then automatically terminate these terms and conditions by sending the other party a written notification for this purpose at any time.

Under these circumstances, these terms and conditions shall be automatically terminated, without notice or compensation on either side.


The parties agree to execute their obligations with complete good faith.

The fact that Arlettie does not assert these terms and conditions at a given moment cannot be interpreted as a waiver to later assert any of the clauses of the said terms and conditions.

If one or more stipulations of these terms and conditions are held to be invalid or declared as such pursuant to a law, a regulation, or following an unappealable judgment of a competent court, the other stipulations shall retain all their strength and their scope.

In case of difficulty with interpretation resulting from a contradiction between any of the titles heading the clauses and any of the clauses, the titles shall be declared non-existent.

The parties are independent. Neither of the parties may make any commitment in the name or on behalf of the other party. Each party acts in its own name and on its own behalf. None of the stipulations of these conditions may be interpreted as creating between the parties a company, mandate, or a relationship of agent or employee to employer.


In compliance with article l. 152-1 of the french consumer code, the subscriber may refer to a mediator, free of charge, with a view to amicable resolution in case of dispute between it and arlettie. The subscriber is invited to contact arlettie to notify his request, in order that arlettie can communicate the precise conditions of such request to use this mediation procedure.

These terms and conditions are governed by french law. In the absence of amicable agreement, you can refer the court with any dispute relative to the existence, interpretation, conclusion, performance or termination of these terms and conditions, and all documents related to these terms and conditions.

Copyright Arlettie 2025