For a man everything is possible, for a woman everything is probableHenri de Régnier
The table’s set, the candles are lit and the smell of amber and gingerbread fill the room. The guests begin to arrive… For this imaginary dinner party, Arlettie invites those who inspire…
Elegance, Character and Destiny.
Slender and unreal, Princess Grace Kelly arrives first. By her side, more used to breakfasts at Tiffany’s, Audrey Hepburn dressed for the occasion in a design by her friend Hubert de Givenchy: sewing is a delicacy like any other…
Music is heard and with a dance movement, B.B. arrives on the scene – and God created Bardot! An icon of natural and spontaneous beauty. An obvious beauty like that which will remain forever a Young Girl….. of Rochefort. Charismatic and mysterious, what gift would Catherine Denueve bring? A cake d’amour…
American first lady, French couture takes first place in Jackie Kennedy’s heart: pillbox hat, oversized glasses and high-waisted jeans. Jeans which Jane Birkin also loves. A funny and unconsciously insolent muse, the so British actress and singer has never deserted her style or her accent. We can’t help but whisper “I love you too” to the lady who sang “I don’t love you anymore”.
Speaking of love, Arletty has given everything to her lovers, friends and fans. Divine Garance in Les Enfants du Paradis, the Hôtel du Nord gives life to one of the most replicated cult films in French cinema Atmosphère ! Atmosphère! Est-ce que j’ai une gueule d’atmosphère?
Captivating. This is how we classify these women who have constantly questioned the places they were given to get the ones they deserve. These women illustrate René Char’s words with a certain aptness: “Trust firmly in your luck, cling to your happiness, and dare to take risks. They will see you and learn to accept you.”
Who would you invite to your Christmas Eve?
For a man everything is possible, for a woman everything is probableHenri de Régnier
Copyright Arlettie 2025